Location: Johannesburg
Performer Type: Speaker / Keynote
Languages: English
Sector Focus: Leadership, Motivation / Team
Speaking Topics: Persuasion, Leadership, Teamwork, Healthy relationships, Storytelling
Rates: Contact for Details
Available to travel: Yes

Yoke van Dam has been called the Kintsugi queen* because of her ability to join, repair, and heal fractured teams and turn them into something quite wonderful. Yoke is a professional speaker, a behavioural change expert, and a storyteller. She delivers her message using humour and energy, fully engaging the audience. She is respected as a thought leader in the sales, people engagement, and leadership space. Her talks feature practical case studies, challenge perceptions, and encourage change that can be implemented holistically.

  1. She’s staked her hard-won reputation on the premise that all poor performing teams can be turned around to become collaborative, committed, and cohesive superstars of the organisations they serve.
  2. She is a qualified behavioural change coach with verifiable in-the-field experience (more than 2400 hours speaking and facilitation experience)
  3. Yoke works with enthusiastic, selfless, and empathetic leaders who want to create space to allow their teams to learn, grow, and thrive.
  4. She has spoken on international stages on topics of Leadership, Teams, and Sales.
    Yoke wants to Kuntsugi your team from fractured to fully functional, from selfish to selfless and from miserable to masterful.

1. How to make the horse thirsty

– Persuasion: your business survival guide

How to Make a Horse Thirsty is a synthesis of my real-world sales experience, my innate curiosity and my unending study into human behaviour.

The presentation explores the world of neuroscience and the ‘buying brain’ and how to get people to buy into your ideas, and action them too. In 22 minutes I’ll deliver a compelling argument with real world examples of how to sharpen your persuasion and influence skills.
After my presentation, you’ll leave with three powerful persuasion and influencing strategies so that not only will you make the horse thirsty, but you’ll get it to drink too.

3 Key audience take-aways

  1. What ripples do you want to create?
    What is your cause, what changes are you seeking? Do you want to shift mindsets, do you want people to take action?
  2. Are you influencing with integrity, is it fair to all concerned?
  3. 3 strategies for persuasion that you can identify in popular culture, the media and apply when influencing for sales, marketing or on a leadership level.

2. With great power comes great responsibility

-Become the leader you would follow

Some leaders assume positions of power because they have the right connections. They often lead with a punishment mentality and create a culture of fear and blind obedience. Then there are leaders who possess a set of sound core values. That don’t get shaken when things go wrong. They don’t need to constantly hold out the carrot for their tribe to follow them.

Join us as we travel through history to see who failed miserably in one of the world’s greatest leadership disasters, and who lead their teams to safety with integrity and trust.


  1. How to lead with integrity
  2. What behaviors and believes did those successful leaders have?
  3. A growth vs a fixed mindset, learning from your own mistakes.

3. Creating a healthy workplace culture

– Winning at work

During Covid 19 many leaders and teams have struggled to operate effectively, due to increased workloads, remote communication leading to an increase in conflict and a decrease of trust.

Leadership and teams, very often access fight and flight mode and become distrustful, leading to a breakdown of communication and teamwork.

Yoke van Dam encourages her audience to step out of the dysfunctional drama triangle and to find ways of building healthy, meaningful connections at work.

Core takeaways:

  1. Know that you don’t have to “rescue” others, and to notice when you are entering victim mode.
  2. It’s necessary to be assertive and to say no.
  3. Start setting healthy boundaries and stop enabling dysfunctional behavior.
  4. This talk gives the audience practical tools to be more mindful, to grow in their appreciation of themselves.
  5. Setting clear boundaries.
  • The audience will walk away with real-world case studies, implementable ideas, and strategies.
  • They will be convicted on their core behaviors and inspired to shift their mindset, to take action,
    to influence and to lead.
  • These talks should act as a catalyst to change through optimizing NLP techniques, storytelling, and humor.