Colleen Wilson Red Jacket

Location: South Africa
Performer Type: Speaker / Keynote
Languages: English
Sector Focus: Combination of motivation / team / wellness (employee) / leadership
Speaking Topics: Mental Health, Employee Wellness, Stress, Teams, Leadership & Self Leadership
Rates: Contact for Details
Available to travel: Yes

I am Colleen Wilson, transformational consultant, coach, speaker, trainer and mentor. My over 2 decades of business experience in managerial, founder, CEO, board member and chairman roles combined with extensive study in coaching and mentoring, stress and trauma, leadership, the science of human relationship and more has created a unique and powerful offering to corporates at managerial and executive levels. I use Nervous System literacy and the Enneagram to truly know ourselves, grow ourselves and show ourselves and to know and create the environments needed to bring out the best in ourselves and others and to navigate through struggle to success.

Creating Workplaces that Help not Hurt

Nervous System regulation and health should be an organisation imperative as the Nervous System impacts how people feel, think and act. Our brains are scanning the environment 24/7/365 for danger or safety and our optimal functioning is when we feel safe in any environment we are in.
In this talk the understanding is shared that the interrelationship between people, place and process is what constitutes the environment, and the environment is what is impacting the Nervous System.
What is your work environment signalling to your people?
Do you want a workplace that hurts and harms or heals and helps its people?
A simple 4-part model teaches how to create ideal environments for optimal functioning of the people within them.

Self-Leadership before Leadership

A 3-phase model of personal development into personal growth into personal expression is shared bringing in the 4 Centres of Human Intelligence in a way that informs and inspires listeners to take radical personal responsibility and to want to lead themselves first. The talk gives a practical framework of how to do this and do it well.

Your CNS as your COO

(Your Central Nervous System is Your Chief Operating Officer)
Your nervous system runs… well… EVERYTHING about you. Personalities don’t run people, nervous systems run personalities – so how we show up every day and how we react to things is more a function of the state of regulation or dysregulation of our nervous systems than anything else. Nervous System regulation is determined by past and present stressors.

Learning to tap into our states of Nervous System arousal means we can learn to self-regulate and be the best version of ourselves rather than let default stress states run the show. We learn to climb back into the drivers-seat of our lives and engage and perform from a place that is centred, focused, clear and calm – who doesn’t want that?

Better-Me, Better-We

Let’s learn how to ‘people’ better people!
I call it BETTER-ME, BETTER-WE because when we take care of the parts (us) the whole is better off for it.
So what does that look like? It looks like leading ourselves towards wellness and wholeness factoring in our 4 centres of intelligence – body, mind, heart and spirit. We all live on a continuum of ourselves; a healthy, integrated us, an average us and an unhealthy disintegrated us. Becoming aware of where we are on this continuum and pointing ourselves to the healthy side of it is the aim. When we are a healthy-me, we are better positioned for a healthywe.

From Places of Stress to Spaces of Success

Using my 4-sequence-stress-model we learn how to understand stress in ourselves and others, how to meet it effectively and how to reduce its impact on our mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Stress will always be a factor in life, often without our choosing but what we have choice over is how to respond to our own stress and how we impact others who are stressed around us.
Lets move from places of stress to spaces of success in 4 simple and yet powerful steps.

Breathing Life into Teams

Humans move through life with 5% conscious action and 95% unconscious action. This is very useful when wanting to do routine tasks like driving but it is very unhelpful to be on autopilot in the world of work where human dynamics are often the greatest burden to a team.
Knowing ourselves and each other, waking up from our default slumber, and then learning to navigate ourselves and relationships with others brings new life to teams.
The Enneagram offers us this key insight, it awakens us to ourselves and others, it offers a ladder of growth to our best versions and gives us the keys to communicate with each other well. In this process teams are revitalized.

Why Nervous System Literacy is the most Vital Language

Our Nervous Systems drive everything in us; thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours and how we show up in the world. When our Nervous System is regulated we are our best self, we are in flow and we are clear, coherent, focussed, productive, engaging, creative and steady.
Nervous System literacy; learning to listen to and communicate with your own nervous system, the nervous systems around you and the central nervous system of the organisation, is the untaught language that can take us into those flow states.

In the typically stressed environments in the workplace, a place many people spend up to 25% of their lives, personality and Nervous System awareness and growth is key to mental, physical, and emotional wellness. Everyone’s Nervous System is somewhere along the continuum of regulation to dysregulation, which implicates how each person within the organization shows up, performs, relates, and expresses. This in turn impacts and forms the culture and the comprehensive Nervous System of the organization which directly impacts organizational health.
Nervous System regulation and health starts with the understanding that the interrelationship between people, place and process is what constitutes the environment, and the environment is what is impacting the Nervous System.

What is your work environment signaling to your people?

Do you want a workplace that hurts and harms or heals and helps its people?
My own journey through the science of Interpersonal Relationships, known as Interpersonalneurobiology, the deep understanding of Personality through the Enneagram and into understanding stress through Nervous System Literacy has changed my lens on life and how I show up for myself and others: this lived and trained experience informs my work to help people move from stress to success in their lives.

Grief Cards

Grief, loss & heartache are a part of life: however this fact doesn’t make them easier to navigate other than the comfort of a shared human experience.

This pack was created no matter what your loss;

It may be loss of a loved one or a pet or loss of something physical such as a part of your body, your home or anything precious to you. It may be loss of a job, relationship, dream, hope, wish or plan. It may be loss of your ability to do something through injury, disability or change of circumstances or requirements. It may be loss of identity, or your sense of self. It may be the loss experienced as children fly the best. You may, as is so often the case, be processing multiple losses at once.

Whatever your loss, these GRIEF, LOSS AND HEARTACHE cards are for you. Use these cards as often as you like – ask for guidance and pull a card and let that card sit with you for the day or the week or whatever time frame feels right. If it triggers you sit with that too and explore the feelings. Let the insight wash over you and guide you. As alone as you feel, you are supported and held in ways you may not even realise. These cards are one way of support and holding for you.You walk with generations of your human brothers and sisters who have and still experience loss too. With this comes great shared wisdom, distilled into this pack for you to use on your journey.